why change?
  today's errors
  the new principles
  the six powers
  the constitution
  the second vote
  secondary points
  to short version

10. Secondary points of this new democracy

Here are some secondary points to the "Three to Six" system. Together they make for a modern and liberal democratic system, without losing from eyesight the point that society has to function as smooth as possible in order to allow the private citizen as much freedom as is possible.

They range from political to economical and the philosophical. But all together the "Three to Six" system of democratic government will allow democracy to thrive into the 21st century. And isn't this what we want for ourselves, children and our grandchildren?

Here are the secondary points, the order in which they are shown is not important:

  elections   political partys, unions   non striking professions
  governmental agencies   journalism, information   the central bank, taxes
  public property   health care   education
  religion and state   minorities   infra structure
  military, security forces

10A. Elections

Elections are one of the basic ingredients of democracy. A wrong organization or electorate system can empty democracy from all its democratic ideals and create terrible dictatorial systems. Remember Franco, Stalin, Hitler, Saddam Hussein and many others, who held every four years "democratic" elections. That does not mean that they were democrats. So elections can only be democratic inside a system that provides a real representation of the population in the various branches of government, spreading power

The positions which are eligible:

1. The President of the sovereign branch is elected in national personal elections. In democratic monarchies the monarch is appointed by birthright. (believe me, this has also its advantages)
2. The parliament is elected as explained in the legislative branch of government
3. The head of the executive branch is elected in national personal elections
4. The head of the controlling branch is elected in national personal elections
5. The heads of the regional branch of government are elected in regional personal elections
6. The regional council is elected as explained in the local branch of government
7. The heads of the local branch of government are elected in local personal elections
8. The city-council is elected as explained in the local branch of government
9. Political parties, Unions elect their heads and governing bodies much like local government is elected

General rules for elections:

1. Citizens have the elementary right to vote in all elections from the age of 18
2. At the age of 28 citizens who satisfy the requirements as laid out by a committee in the sovereign branch of government receive the second vote
3. Citizens who have been exceptional receive with their medal a third vote
4. Party's, persons standing for election will be controlled by the sovereign branch of government
5. Election campaign length and price will be standard and controlled by the sovereign branch of government
6. Persons elected will serve two political cycles with regular majority, after that they will have to receive special majorities (5%, 10%, ...)
7. The sovereign branch of government can call for interim elections

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10B. Political parties, Unions

Political parties and Unions are also core elements of democracy. Parties provide the population with the tool to form ideological groups, to defend their ideas and promote them. Unions allow citizens with the same interests to stand up for those interests. These ideas/interests are either ideological or economical. Or the group, party, can represent local needs

The following rules apply to political parties or Unions:

1. Parties and Unions are under control of the sovereign branch of government
2. Elected persons shall have no functions in the economic sector
3. Elected persons shall have limited functions in his/her party
4. Elected persons shall not take seats on any board of directors
5. Parties or Unions that do not subscribe to the "Norms and Values" of society will not participate in the political democratic arena
6. A person cannot become a "stand alone" party in the middle of the elected term
7. Unions will be required to follow the rules of political parties

The right to assemble on an ideological base is universal and so the political scene has to be as unobstructed as possible, but still the above outlined restrictions allow for this freedom, and still give some control over the behavior of the parties and unions

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10C. Non striking professions

Non striking professions are professions which have written a covenant regulating their profession and their professional behavior. But the important point is that the government has accepted this covenant. Why is this something new?

1. In this covenant the profession defines the norms and standards of conduct of its members. Society defines in this covenant its attitude towards this profession
2. In this covenant the profession declares it will not strike to solve problems or conflicts
3. The government has accepted this covenant and agrees to solve disputes by discussions
4. A committee in the sovereign branch of government will be responsible towards the profession
5. The salaries will, in principle, be coupled to those of elected representatives
6. Only certain professions can receive this status
7. These professions should, in my eyes, be: military, police, fire brigade, teaching, medicine and other professions of national interest

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10D. Semi governmental agencies

Semi governmental agencies are those autonomous agencies that in name of the authorities are responsible for specific tasks. A whole list of this type of agencies can by found on the following website:


Not only the USA has such lists, every country has tens of agencies. But also commercial concerns belonging to the state belong in this sector of the "Three to Six" democratic program

All these agencies and other concerns belong to department for the management of semi governmental agencies. The executive branch of government will be responsible for the long term planning and the controlling of the functioning of these agencies. Politicians cannot interfere with the daily running The sovereign branch of government will guard against to much political interference

An exception is the ombudsman who will be under the control of the Sovereign branch of government

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10E. Journalism and Informatica

Printed journalism developed in Western Europe and Northern America somewhere between the invention of the printing press (attributed to Johannes Gutenberg in 1456) and the development of democracy around 1775-1790. But it was democracy which gave journalism its importance we attach to it today: Journalism as the provider of information for the free democratic citizen so that he can make his decisions rationally.

The basic rules of journalism are:

1. Freedom of speech
2. In journalism only well checked articles shall be published
3. Journalism will defend is sources.

These principles are universally accepted and every country has its journalist organization with a beautiful charter explaining the many rights of journalists. It’s a pity that many journalists usually do not bother so much with the duties of their profession

But the trouble is that in the last 50-60 years journalism has been commercialized, this has changed the basics of journalism. Today journalism has to compete in an open market, with as result that the truth has become secondary to profit and rating. With as result that today's journalism does not anymore tell the truth. It looks first of all at what can sell, then to what is truth and what is journalism. Also more and more journalists let their personal views color their writing.

Another problem is that journalism will accept the laws of its own nation, but in our global village journalist tend to disobey laws from nations where they visit as guests, so undermining the sovereignty of the host nation and sometimes creating death and losses to the people of the host nation.

I believe that if there is not found a solution to these problems democracy will be in big trouble. Without proper unbiased information people, nations will take the wrong decisions. How to solve this problem... I have no idea.

With the coming of the post industrial era information has become the biggest and most important product of our society. But in contrast to products from earlier eras, this product creates power over those whose info is being handled. The second problem with information is the secret uses of governments of information. Indeed, governments should keep sensitive information out of the wrong hands. But most government uses this tool to brush the dirty deals and their mistakes under the carpet.

Against both types of misusing information steps should be taken to minimize these problems, I don't believe it can be totally eliminated

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10F. The Central Bank, Taxes

I am not an economist, so what I write here will create a storm under economists, saying that it is not feasible to change the definition of a national central bank to what I have in mind. To them I say the following: "The central bank is the bank of the government. In a democracy the government is for the people, from the people". So it is clear to me that he national central bank has next to its economic tasks also social tasks

But what do I have in mind?

I foresee a bank which is responsible for the financial connection between government and citizen. A bank which allows the citizens to see all of their financial doings with the authorities on all levels.

A bank which allows the authorities to handle all of their obligations towards the citizens through a single point. This would reduce costs of financial handling between citizen and authority. But also it would give citizens their rightful insight into his financial status versus the authorities.

The whole of the national budget should be managed through this bank. First of all this would be much more economical as managing the budget through commercial banks. This would allow much more intensive control over governmental financial behavior

How would I do this?

1. At the age of 18 the central bank would open an account for him/her
2. All transactions between this citizen and ALL authorities shall go through this account
3. Each citizen should, by paper or internet, have insight into this account
4. Each part of the authorities would only have insight into the specific details of the account, handling his specific part of the account
5. Married couples, or couples living together, can request a single account for both of them together
6. Citizens of the lower economic classes could via this account receive economic social welfare help. This could be part of the social responsibility of the authorities
7. Economic units, companies etc., would also have such an account
8. I would even go so far as to suggest that citizens can see the national budget, income and output via internet, whenever they wish (that would be an utopian dream)
9. Non working members of society should get their social help through the National Bank

Now in 2010, after the crisis of 2008 I should say that citizens taking a mortgage should be able to get this through this bank. It is complete nonsense that banks loan public money from the national bank and then loan it back to the public at extra costs. I believe that hundreds of thousands of millions of Dollars every year go into the pockets of the private banking owners. This would be a tremendous help to improve the basic strength of democracy.

Now (September 2011) my hunch that "Virtual Money" will destroy not only the economy, but also the foundation of our free democratic society has grown even stronger. So I even more strongly urge to eliminate "virtual money" by somewhere repairing the link with the real world.

If need be even a new IMF controlled currency connecting currencies to the real economy.

Taxes should be greatly reduced in number. Only three taxes should exist:

1. Income tax, see below
2. VAT tax, this tax should be differentiated between basic living products, luxury products and safety products
3. A neighborhood tax. This tax would include all local taxes and all payments due to authorities or governmental agencies

The tax load on citizens should be spread in social acceptable way. This is the tool government can use to create a healthy and strong middle class, the basic of democracy.

Income tax on citizens should take into account not only the level of income but also:

1. The number of persons living from this income
2. The hours needed to generate the income
3. The difficulty, stress, danger, etc of the work generating the income
4. If two or more incomes exist per family they should chose if they want one or more tax calculations
5. People from the lower levels of society should get their social help; through a system of negative income tax
6. At the top, let's say 100 times beyond the average income, the tax should eliminate the increase of net income

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10G. Public Property

Public property can be divided into the following subjects:

1. Public lands
2. Historic monuments and buildings
3. Art
4. Nature reserves
5. Natural resources
6. The national budget

The daily management of public property belongs to the executive branch of government. But statutory changes have to be approved by the sovereign branch of government

Excluded from this, is the National Budget which has to be submitted yearly to the legislative branch of government for approval.

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10H. Health care

Healthcare is one of the most expensive subjects in our governmental budget. Again, some governments prefer to transfer their responsibilities to the private sector, under the motto: "Private business can be more cost effective" This is nonsense. It clears the government and its administration from the responsibilities but still allows the authorities, specially the administration, to wallow in budgets without any control or result. So here is as I see it:

1. Healthcare is the responsibility of the authorities, its their job to organize the system so that even the poor do get good treatment
2. The control over healthcare administration should be by the doctors and not by the administrators
3. Healthcare can be much more inexpensive if all the administrative crap around it is cleaned up
4. Privatization can only be accepted if prices are controlled or if the lower sections of society get enough compensation. So that they to will be able to get good treatment
5. Total war on unethical influence of industry and research on Healthcare

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10I. Education

Education is the foundation of the future. So to treat it lightly is unwise, very unwise. But education is also dependent on the norms and values of the society. So I cannot and will not include education as an integral part of democracy. But some of my views on education would be progressive towards a steady and viable modern democracy.

1. The public schooling should be affordable to all, including higher education
2. Private schools should only be allowed when they recognize the "norms and values" of the society. Many schools based on religion undermine integration through their unwillingness to accept the norms and values of the majority
3. Education is one of those professions in which the professionals (teachers) should control the administration and not the other way around. (see administration)
4. Teaching should be a non striking profession
5. The school parent council should have control over the school up to the right to release school officials and teachers
6. The school parent council should have control over a part of the material taught
7. Today there is a tendency to combine school into greater units, under the phrase "greater is better" or "greater is cheaper" This is wrong. Schools are one facet of society were small units controlled by the parents produce the best results, mainly through the fact that parents have the interests their children at hart, while directors have other interests

Of the many teaching systems I have seen, I finds the following system the best, certainly in our modern society where all data and knowledge can easily be found in today's integrated info-structures (Internet)

In primary school most of the effort should be put into the basic knowledge needed today: Language, a foreign language, basic calculating, writing, social behavior, norms and values, etc. This can be done in many a different way, but schools without proper rules usually create persons without the tools to become positive and effective citizens

High school is the place where I would make a great change. I would make at least a third of all high schools work under the "DALTON" system. This system provides rules and freedom together. It teaches that good behavior and hard work give you benefits. But most important it teaches the pupils how to think.

And that is what we need: People who know how to think for themselves. They will find us the solutions we will need for the problems we will be facing in the future

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10J. Religion and State

Separation of state and religion is a basic concept in modern society and democracy. But this is just "politically correct" talking, there exist no nation in which state and religion are completely separated. There are about 70/80 countries that have an official separation between state and religion but their holiday's and holy day's are based on the Christian religion. Their rest day is Sunday, etc, etc... A Jew, Muslim, Buddhist makes no change at becoming the President of the USA or the King of England/Norway etc. 20/30 countries are Muslim in their daily life without separation of state and religion. Israel is the same, but based on the Jewish religion. The countries in the Far East have their religious, philosophical background as basis for their states norms and values. All these religions and the states, which base their norms and values on those religions, should be respected.

1. Religion and state are connected. The religion of the majority provides the basis for the national "norms and values", but also its religious basis
2. Religions themselves and their organizations stand free from the authorities
3. If the "norms and values" of a society require support for a religion, then this support has to be equal to all religions in that society
4. The balance between the religion of the majority and the religion of the minority has to be found in dialog

This is why the following guidelines on MINORITIES have to be incorporated into the law, I would even say: into the constitution. (Go on and read them)

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10K. Minorities

As a Jew I am a member of one of the most experienced minorities in the world. As such I think I know about what I write.

A minority is a group of people living inside a society of which majority of the population has another background. This can be another religion, but also groups of other ethnic or nationalities can move to another society for a number of reasons. In many instances this makes no trouble, but sometimes the differences are too big. Or the mentalities are too different to allow both groups to live quit and peacefully next to each other.

I have developed, what I think, a set of universally acceptable rules which would make this kind of conflict more manageable:

1. The majority is required to provide freedom of personal and communal "norms and values" of the minority as long as they don't conflict terminally with the norms and values of the majority. (I mean, that as long as compromise is acceptable to both minority and majority the conflict is not terminal)
2. It is the right of the minority to demand these rights. The minority is required to respect the norms, values and identity of the majority and of other minorities
3. The minority is required, personal and as a community, to support the greater community with the same duties the majority has.
4. A minority has no rights to national aspirations
5. A minority has the right to identify with another identity, BUT any act to force this onto the majority may be seen by the majority as an act of aggression towards the majority
6. It is the right of the majority to defend is norms, values and identity against this type of aggression
7. If a conflict between minority and majority becomes terminal then two options remain, either the minority moves to another country or the borders between the countries are redefined ( here I see international involvement as critical)

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10L. The infra structure

Infra structure belongs to the citizens of the community, country. As such it cannot fall into the hands of private interests. It is the sole responsibility of the authorities to create and maintain the infra structure

Here are the definitions of what is Infra structure:

1. public roads, all the facilities to maintain transport, ports and airports
2. networks for electricity, cable, TV, telephone, Internet, etc
3. all services which are needed to maintain the society, national, regional and local
4. administration, national, regional and local
5. healthcare, education, police, prisons, etc.
6. "Public Property", see chapter on this

It is the private citizen who should influence the decisions on how to use this infra structure, and not the owners of private companies requiring more and more influence on infra structure and its uses

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10M. The military, police

It is clear from history and recent events that only in a real modern democracy the military and security forces are really under control. (Hitler, Stalin, but also Saddam Hussein and others used their forces not for the interests of the country, but for their own survival) In unstable non democratic societies different sections create and control their sectarian forces. (Lebanon, Palestine, Colombia and other countries around the world.) The tales of terror and conflict this creates have been splashed unto the headlines of the media these last decennia. So it is clear that only a modern vital democratic society can provide real control over its forces. Resulting in peaceful conditions internally and externally

1. A country can have but one military organization.
2. The loyalty of the military and/or security forces belongs to the state and not to groups in the society
3. The head of the military is the head of state (President or Monarch). His position of is mostly an symbolic one. His only active function is as head of the Military and Police judiciary system.
4. The control over military and security forces is in the hands of the government.
5. Members of these forces are considered to belong to a non striking profession.
6. Members of these forces, specially the higher ranking officers, have cooling of periods, like politicians before entering another governmental agency.
7. Exempt from this are officers who serve as specialist advisers to those political positions that have the right (and need)to such an adviser.

It is clear to me that warfare in the 21st century is changing. More and more will we see that non democratic countries will use a variety of organizations to attack others. The democratic world needs urgently to change its rules about warfare in order to defend itself.

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Updated:14/08/12 Copyright: The "Three to Six" Foundation
Website created by: Meir A. Sprecher